Hello World!

Who am I?

Name: Kevin

Major: IST

Hobbies: I like to make music and workout

Favorite movie: Avengers Endgame

Career Question: Are web designers in high demand?

at I usually head over to the library


Some foods I enjoy are as followed:

  1. Pizza
  2. Chicken
  3. burgers
  4. Alfredo

Although these are my few favorite meals, I try to stay healthy and eat foods that are low carorie or at least low in fat and carbs. I try to eat more protein and drink water before any meal just so I can maintain my weight.


I am currently an aspiring artist and I would love to spread my music around. Originally when I started out it was only for fun and games. But later as life got harder for both me and my friends I started to sing about hardships and situations that seem to keep us down. Overtime I started to gain passion for music and really started to enjoy it when getting criticize.

My Favorite Link